Devil's Ridge

Map Reference: P-19


Devil's Ridge is a Large Island in The Ancient Isles.

Maps and Aerial Views

Map Coming Soon


Martha the Fierce; NPC = Martha the Fierce

the monstrous sea legend

Legends of the Sea I

Gold Hoarders' Riddles

Below is a list of key phrases indicating landmarks on Devil's Ridge. These key phrases will be woven into clues, often in the form of rhyming couplets. Click on the phrase itself to see a map and screenshot. Click on these for a bigger view. The screenshots are designed to show the landmark at its best. For most landmarks, especially larger ones, you will have to move closer than the point from which the screenshot was taken.

cavern opening, hidden by tears... underground

the Battle of the Boar on the South (East) grassy slope

the Boars trekking through the South grove

the boulder crushed explorer

the caged prisoner

the Cursed Boar Shrine

the impaled explorer

the Legendary Lone Hunter on the North beach

the monstrous sea legend

the mysterious (cave) waterfall

the overgrown entrance to the North cave

the painted spears on the South West beach

the Sunstone on the North East shores

the trumpeters atop the rocks of the East coast

to the top of Devil's Tears


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What Island is That?

Riddle Finder